While the US has adopted EMV chip card standards to decrease credit/debit card fraud, the problem of card-not-present fraud has compounded. There is a clear need to decrease card-not-present fraud by implementing EMV smart card readers at home for online shopping and banking. This will empower consumers by providing secure card transactions while shopping online and 2 factor authentication by signing in to your online banking.
According to a 2016 CNP Consumer Impact Study , 78% of online shoppers want more protection for their payment card when shopping online. The same study reports that 67% of consumers are willing to adopt a new behavior or process in order to increase their security when shopping online.
As e-commerce’s growth steadily parallels the rate of credit and debit card fraud, there is a significant demand from consumers for added transaction security. Tx Systems is a premiere smart card reader solutions provider working in conjunction with our partners such as Identiv to provide answers to these issues.