So you made the right choice of wanting to go password less in a world dominated by usernames and passwords. That is a great choice!
The Windows Password Replacement software by Hitachi is extremely reliable and will make Windows 10 logins seamless by relying on both your finger veins within your hands and your face . Both can actually be used or you can simply rely on finger veins.
*Five templates of both finger vein only mode and face/finger vein mode can be stored.
3. You will need to VERIFY your identity after the third scan by presenting your hand and face to the webcam similar to when you would reconfirm a password when changing it.
This is to make sure that everything is accurate, and that there have not been any glaring mistakes.
If you run into any issues relating to the WPR software then make sure that you are using this on a PC/laptop that is optimized for it:
For more in-depth information regarding adjusting Settings and User Management, please refer back to the “WPR User Guide” that is included with the software download.
You can also reach out to Tx Systems for technical support at